- q1: WAP to show conversion from Basic to User Defined.
- q2: WAP to show conversion from User Defined to Basic.
- q3: WAP to show conversion between User Defined to User Defined both destination and source conversion.
- q4: WAP to overload unary operator(++,–).
- q5: WAP to overload pre-decrement and post-decrement operator.
- q6: WAP to overload binary operator + using member function.
- q7: WAP to overload binary operator + using friend function.
- q8: WAP to add and subtract 2 distances d1 and d2 (feet, inch) using operator overloading + and - using member function.
- q9: WAP to add and subtract 2 distances d1 and d2 (feet, inch) using operator overloading + and - using friend function.
- q10: WAP to overload >, <, == operator to compare two distances(feet, inch) using the concept of operator overloading using member function.
- q11: WAP to overload >, <, == operator to compare two distances(feet, inch) using the concept of operator overloading using friend function.
- q12: WAP to overload >, <, == operator to compare two amount using the concept of overloading.
- q13: WAP to overload insertion and excertion operator.